Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog To Earn Big Bucks

    Internet business trend  is gaining a great place to earn money.There are many ways you can enter into a magic world of "Internet".Since I am a blogger I feel blogging is an easy entry to Internet.You just need your concepts,thoughts,knowledge,skills to compose and publish useful articles on the net.Writing skill also matters but you can improve through your journey of blogging.

What Is A BLOG?
      Blog is also a kind of websites which is mostly handled by an individual with very frequent entries.
You can blog on a free platform like blog spot or you can have your own domain name for the blog.

How Can I Make Money?
     First love your blog,be passionate about blogging,make many entries in your blog,attract visitors and at last target for money.Generating money is through adds that appears in your blog.There are procedures to make adds appear on your page,affiliated marketing etc.

What are the blogging Topics?
    Before you start blogging you should decide on the topic you want to blog.There are two types of blog , a general blog where you can blog about anything and everything you want and the other is niche blog where you blog particularly on a topic.
Some niche topics are
1. Reviews about novels,movies,songs,products etc.
2. Your travel experience.
3. Write about the history of all the great places you have visited.
4. Blog about cosmetics - pros and cons.
5. Write about all the special days like women's day,valentine's day,fathers day etc.
6. Share your beauty,health,money tips.
7. How to get ready for marriage.
8. Different ways to drape a Saree.
9 .How to choose vegetable in the market.
10. Be a money adviser.
Depending on your interest decide the topic.

Still waiting? Set your blog soon !!